U.S.A. & CANADA: the Voice Virility Assessment©
Currently, the focus of East West Attraction's blog is the Asian-American Male's voice. We are discussing voice virility. Does the AAM sound confident and purposeful?
For the month of September, matchmaker and dating coach Alicia Ballard is conducting Voice Virility Assessments© at no-cost to her readers. The Voice Virility Assessment© will listen in three main areas: accent, pitch and volume.
Readers in the U.S. & Canada can select a 15 minute time slot below. (Click on a block of time that is bright pink/red. You will then be guided to a page that will allow you to reserve that time and explain how you will receive your homework assignment). You will be asked for some contact information and you will receive the call in number and code.
This service is performed with no obligation to the single EWA blog readers. Please read our Privacy and Spam Policy.
Sacramento End of Summer Mixer
Currently this is not planned for a specific date. Please check back for details.
There will be a minor charge to help defray expenses ($15 in advance/$20 cash only at the door). The mixer will be at an upscale restaurant in East Sacramento. Complimentary appetizer will be served in the first hour, so please be on time! A special no-host bar will be set up just for our mixer. We will also have icebreakers to help those of who are shy meet and have conversation with others of the opposite sex.
Please send an email to tickets@eastwestattraction.com if you would like to be invited to this. Every attempt will made to have an equal number of women and men.
30 Ways to Use AI to Make Life Better and Easier
People might get the impression that I’m something of a Luddite. I don’t
use social media at all in my personal life and employ it only sparingly in
my p...
10 hours ago