From baggage to shaving, family man to single man, the art of many things considered masculine in Western Civilization.
Tips about facial hair, hairstyles, glasses. We do not condone getting a fake ID, as it screams insecurity and "wannabe"ism. Plus, it's illegal.
How to Date a Tall Woman if You're a Short Man
Some of these tips are really practical. Suggests dating a tall woman since they are used to most men being shorter than they are.
Tips for Dating the Alpha Female
Good insight from a competitor, one of the best-known matchmakers in the business. East West Attraction has noticed that many of the Asian males are digging strong American women. This might give you insight on how to fit in with her life.
How to Date a Tall Woman if You're a Short Man
Some of these tips are really practical. Suggests dating a tall woman since they are used to most men being shorter than they are.
Tips for Dating the Alpha Female
Good insight from a competitor, one of the best-known matchmakers in the business. East West Attraction has noticed that many of the Asian males are digging strong American women. This might give you insight on how to fit in with her life.