Monday, March 12, 2012

Nyet to Russian Brides

2012-03 post photo

My dear readers, I know many of you are enamored with the beauty of Eastern European women from Russia and the Ukraine.  Many of you dream of this blissful fantasy relationship, where an innocent, wide-blue-eyed, dirty blonde with a waifish figure showers you with kisses at the airport and says “dahling, dahling, dahling” as only an Eastern European could.  She then comes home with you and has fabulous sex, keeps your house clean and gives birth to two beautiful, smart, well-behaved children, all without a single complaint.

All this for the price of a visa and an airline ticket.  What a deal!  If only life could be so easy.

Like currency traders who seek to exploit weak currencies abroad, many think that their relative wealth as North Americans gives them greater “buying power” on the market for international women.  Some men love Asian women.  Others love European women.  They prefer anything over the North American woman who has found them wanting or whom they find overly demanding.

The inherent problem with overseas transactions for marriage is the lack of proximity and the lack of ability to learn anything about the background of the person in whom you are interested.  In any truly intimate relationship, you cannot and should not just take the other person’s word for who they are and what they stand for.

We know people by the company they keep, in many instances.  Without spending large amounts of time with your love interest’s family and associates, you get a very narrow vision of who he or she is.  A large part of who we are as individuals involves who we are to those around us.  This works both ways.  We have seen situations where the foreigner (or syndicate they are involved with) abuses the system, but also where the North American who imports a spouse has misrepresented himself and his means.  Thus, these foreign connections are inherently exposed to the potential for exploitation.

Recently, I had heard of a friend of a friend who had spent several months exchanging emotion-laden emails with a Ukrainian woman.  He felt sure this beautiful women, 15 years his junior, who appeared to be madly in love with him, was going to be his future wife.  From reading some of the emails, it was quite clear that she did not care that he had average looks, a beer belly, a ho-hum job and a prior wife and kids.  She was talking of how great is was going to be to meet at the airport for the first time.  She went on and on, paragraph after paragraph about how exciting their relationship would be.  These two people had never talked on the phone or even Skyped.

Now, before you immediately judge this gentleman to be a “chump”, realize that we can all be vulnerable when it comes to love.  A starved dog will eat just about anything.  Internet dating fraud is perpetuated by men and women alike.  When someone manages to dial into our psyche so perfectly, we can fall for it.  The answer is not to become jaded or paranoid, but just to be careful.

Dating is not a sprint.  This why I love the idea of courtship.  It gives the parties a huge opportunity to get to know each other, their families, their work associates and their friends.  It simply cannot be done electronically.

The moral of the story is “date local”, unless you are willing to spend the money and the tons of time learning about the person you are interested in.

What happened with the FoF?  (Friend of Friend).  I had the opportunity to read some of the flowery emails that were almost perfect in their imperfect English.  I selected a couple of oddly phrased sentences from one of the Russian’s emails.  I googled those sentences en bloc.  Voila!

What turned up is that those exact emails, with only the names changed, had been written to numerous men the world over from all sorts of women with different names.  Yes, it was a fraud.  It seems these emails were used over and over to feed the egos of North American men.  They had been very cleverly written.  How or why is unknown.  What is known is that this was not a genuine, heartfelt relationship, on one side.  The FoF was hurt, but thankful to find out before it had gone further.

As always readers, I’m hoping you find love and happiness!

Monday, February 6, 2012

5 Worst Things to Give for Valentine's Day

The only exception to anything on this list is if your wife or girlfriend has very specifically told you that this is what she wants for Valentine's Day.  Even then, it is sketchy, because sometimes your wife or girlfriend just wants to make it easy for you so that she will not be disappointed with a really lame gift or so that she will not be forgotten.  So, she suggests something easy for you to give her.  This is kind of a trick that could get you less than favorable results.

5.   Sexy Lingerie That Interests You

Face it, guys. Lingerie is a present for you, not for her. It says, this is what I want, to turn me on. It can also be misinterpreted to mean, "Honey, you're just not enough. I need you to wear this costume so I'll want you more".

There is a time and a place for the giving and sharing of lingerie, but I happen to believe V-Day is not the day. I know I'll receive some flack for this, since, for most men, romance = sex.  Women view romance a little differently.

Rather than lingerie, for a wife or long-time girlfriend, you want the gift to say, "I adore you, wonderful you.  You mean so much to me."  For someone you recently started dating, you want the gift to say, "I think you're swell".

4.   Costume Jewelry

If you can't afford fine jewelry, meaning made of a precious metal like silver, gold or platinum, with or without gemstones, skip jewelry. The exception to this is if you made this yourself from some objects that you consider to be beautiful.  If you have read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, you'll understand what I mean when I refer to the chapter called, "The Bracelet".

In this scene Lillian Reardon, wife of dashing industrialist Hank Reardon, throws a huge society party as a wedding anniversary gift for her husband.  Hank Reardon has recently invented a new metal, lighter and stronger than steel, that will revolutionalize the world.  In front of the whole crowd, he presents his wife with a bracelet that he had forged especially for her out of Reardon metal.  She makes fun of it in front of everyone, and puts down her husband for being so obsessed with his own creation.

Main character Dagny Taggart is a guest at the party and watches this.  She is wearing a bracelet full of diamonds.  She, too, is an industrialist in partnership with Hank Reardon; they plan to build a new railroad through Colorado.  Dagny finds the work of Hank Reardon's mind and hands so compellingly winsome that she offers to trade her diamond bracelet for Mrs. Reardon's alloy metal bracelet.  That was the beginning of a love affair between Hank Reardon and Dagny Taggart.  Mrs. Reardon accepted the trade, but no one present could have missed the symbolism.

3.  Loungewear Pajamas

You've seen the ads for Pajamagram or the Snuggie.  These are kind of the opposite of sexy lingerie.  Unless you are the creator of these cash-generating products, there is nothing personal about them.  They are generic gifts, kind of like one-size-fits-all.

You may be thinking that she will think warmly of you for giving her a clothing item that keeps her warm.  That's a linear thought, a masculine way of thinking, which is something to be appreciated.  However, it misses the mark.  How romantic is a blanket or a pair of sweatpants?

Think of it this way.  Would you like to be given a tire jack for your birthday?  A wrench?  Pretty boring.  Loungewear pajamas are kind of like being given a tie on Father's Day.

2.  Nothing

Wait! Nothing is not number one?!   (No. There is actually something worse than nothing.)

Does "nothing" need more explanation?

The only time "nothing" would be appropriate is if you have broken up with the person or do not intend to date the person any longer.  To give something would be to lead the woman on, a no-no.

1.   The Giant Teddy Bear

This is a tough one for guys because it has a lot of appeal as a gift. You see the advertising on TV and hear it on the radio, and you think that all that advertising means it's the popular thing to give. Plus, you can order it online or through a toll-free telephone number, and there are not a lot of options to the gift. 

You can become so tempted to listen to the advertiser say how much your woman will love this gift. Please cover your ears and repeat after me, "I will not buy my girlfriend a teddy bear. My girlfriend is not a child. I will not buy her a stuffed animal".
What this gift says more than anything is "clueless", and "can't be bothered with actually thinking of something I might like". This fabricsewn into the shape of an animal, with plastic eyes and mouth, becomes nothing more than a dust collector. It will certainly end up in the trash or at the Salvation Army store very soon.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • An experience, an outing, something out of the ordinary, that shows you took the time to plan it.  This can include a weekend trip, dinner at a new place, or an afternoon at the amusement park.  By the way, it's okay to win her a stuffed animal at the carnival games.  That's romantic.
  • A handwritten card.
  • A CD mix of songs that make you think of her and/or with her favorite songs on it.
  • Clothes for her pet.  Balloons for her children.
  • Build a fire.  Fires are hypnotic and tend to draw out good conversation.
Feel free to offer any suggestions of your own in the comments section below.  Let us know if you have ever given anything that particular bombed or made her very happy.  Valentine's Day is 8 days away, but you may be celebrating this weekend. 

Wishing you every success,
Hugs and kisses, MsEastWest